"Fear" is an authentic painting by Nikolaos Baralos.
It is created with acrylic colors, on an unframed 40x60 cm canvas.
The canvas is stretched over a 3.5x2 cm wooden frame with double coating.
It is 100% cotton, weights 320gr and it is made in Italy.
A few words from Nikolaos, regarding this painting:
"This is another painting which I saw entirely in my vision. When I painted this, I was extremely happy, because I was able to create in the canvas exactly what I saw in my vision. I could not stop looking at it and smiling - especially these little "golden drops" on the right side of the canvas. A few hours later my smile was gone and I didn't want to look at it again, because I realized what I was actually seeing.
I tell to many people who express a wish to explore spirituality, that the world of energy is very beautiful, that it can provide many wonderful experiences that one cannot even think of, yet it is also very dangerous. But we all know that. We know, when someone is misusing the subtle powers in the reality of the Presence. Whether it's a bully at school, whether it's our own family and friends, whether it's strangers in the street, at least all people have one experience of what I am talking about.
Attack. The moment, that you understand, in pure consciousness, that someone is attacking you - with their consciousness, with their energy. At first you wonder - how can this be? It's why many times, we allow people to do wrong upon us. Eventually, we cannot stand too much, because the souls that we possess are fragile - they can break. We might fight back. We might leave and run away. But energy, knows no limit. The consciousness is not defined by space or time, so wherever you go, whenever you go, if someone wants to find you, they can. It's very sad to know, that out there or right here, this or that person, actually wants to hurt you. Of course, in such cases, we speak of a blinded consciousness, one that has been twisted - for no consciousness in its right and original state, can ever even think about hurting another living being.
Some people who use their energy to hurt others they do it consciously and some do it unconsciously. But regardless of if they know or understand what they are actually doing, they all have the same reason for doing it. Fear. Why someone would ever attack another being? All desires for dominance over something or someone, have fear as their founding stone. I don't want to "control" another person if I know my heart. But when I spend my time being afraid, I cannot know myself.
The worst in all of this, is the way with which such attacks may manifest. And the way is through love. Believe it or not, love, is the way, even for an attack. How many times we heard of crimes because of love? How many parents hurt their children, while they claim to love them? Love is not something good by its origin. Love is a force, like the light. It is the choice that one makes, in regards of how to use love, that defines the outcomes of love.
Those who claim to love you, but they actually don't, they don't just attack you. Because it would make their lies reveal themselves. What they do is that they poison you. What we call toxicity - the toxic people. What these people do energetically, is that they pinch needles on your head - the crown chakra (the center where love manifests), and they infuse their poison inside you - all of their toxicity. Because it goes through love, when you first "taste" it, it feels sweet, like golden drops falling from the sky. You sit there and drink more of it, until soon enough you realize, that your mind is being paralyzed. You suddenly feel your energy levels dropping - which when it happens, you no longer have your safety on. At this moment, another person's consciousness may practically enter into your physical body, and hence can begin the very ugly experience of possession. Then you might find yourself doing things that you don't like, saying things that you don't believe, thinking things that you don't want to. It's very easy to think that you are going crazy. It all happens so fast, that you barely have the chance to understand it. If something like this extends in time, one's soul may break and a person can fall into depression. From that point, it requires a very strong will, for an individual to heal and stand again.
Fear was given to us for a reason - like everything that is natural in our existence. Fear is a warning that you now must gather your forces and stand strong. There is no reason to be afraid, but there are many reason for why you should use fear. Do not give your attention to what will happen if things go wrong, or what happens when something wrong is happening. Give your attention to the truth that fear is speaking to you. Listen to your gut and admit the rights and wrongs that are happening and find your way to address them, in the best possible way that will ensure your well-being.
As someone who has experienced a lot of energetic attacks and has struggled a lot with finding peace and health in my presence, this painting came to be something more that I could ever imagine. It brought me understanding of the phenomena. Fear, became salvation. Because when I saw the ugliness that exists in what I was afraid to witness, I understood what I need to do, so to not be harmed any more. Fear, can protect you, by making you understand and so, it can eventually stop pain, because you face that which is hurting you."
Nikolaos is a spiritual teacher from Greece, who loves creating the visions of his heart.
He infuses into his work the highest of blessings.
The painting is signed and dated on the back side.
Price | $12,000.00 |
Dimensions | 60 x 40 x 2 H x W x D (in) |
Weight | 3.2 (lbs) |
Creation Date | September 2023 |
Subject Fantasy |
Style Abstract |
Medium Acrylic |
Substrate Canvas |